Friday, April 19, 2013

Important Announcement from the H4C crew!


Thank you so much for reading out blog comic! I just wanted to give you an update.

It would seem that everyone's life has gotten a bit busy these last few weeks, and we are unable to continue our three times a week updates. It was a little over-ambitious to begin with, but what can you do, we were all inspired and what not! Muses can be fickle creatures, and you bend to their whims as long as you're able.

In any case, we have decided that we will be updating once a week. Every week, on the Monday, there will be a new update posted by a one of the author/artists. This will give us more time to flesh out the panels, and give us peace of mind so we don't burn out. No one wants that!

So in short, Hoping For Crit will only update every Monday.

Sorry about that.

But thank you very much for reading, and we hope you continue to check in with us!
See you Monday!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Readily Flee

Without fighting her life would be more dull, but there would probably be a lot less property damage...
and Yay! Calvin is talking to someone!! Someone who talks back! Yay!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Pet For You

Calvin going about his day job in the fine world of pet store management, be they exotic or otherwise- finding the customer what they want...

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

An Excellent Question

This time, I tried drawing it all in Sketchbook Pro from the get go, forgoing any paper roughs beforehand.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Tall Barista

Slowly getting a handle on this. I've gotta figure out a consistent sizing scheme across the board. Anyways, second post and a second character introduced, Helen the barista. It's a bad line, but she's still smiling- keep on shining, you crazy dreamer, Cal.

Incidentally if you've seen the show Pushing Daisies, the narrator in my comics sounds like that guy, Jim Dale.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Calvin Coleman

Introducing Calvin Coleman and his House, part 1.

Posted before midnight on a Wednesday, just in time. Now, to learn how blogger, image sizes, screentones, and line thicknesses work even better by next week! >_> It's up, that's what's important.